S. S. Educational Trust
S.S. Educational Trust, registered under Indian Trust Act, 1882. The noble idea of the Trust, is to bring educational within the widest reach of the society. With the help of highly distinguished members of the Advisory Board and eminent Faculty, our endeavor is poised to provide quality education. Our aim is to arm young brains with competitive skill and technology and nurture development of the aspirants for an advantageous tomorrow.
Shyambazar Law College is an excellent example of our continuous pursuit to impart education. Shyambazar Law College aims to attract the best talents among the aspiring students who shall be admitted in accordance with the rules and regulations of the University of Calcutta and the Bar Council of India. Our objectives are to evolve and impart comprehensive legal education, to achieve excellence, to introduce most modern branches of law as a subject of study and to innovate research oriented minds. We shall work promote cultural, legal and ethical values with a view to uphold the rule of law.
The Objectives of the Trust are primarily:
- To work for promotion and development of education in all or any stream or discipline, particularly in the state of West Bengal.
- To promote, establish, create, open set up, run, maintain and administer required Coaching and Training Centers, Colleges, Institutions, and others by whatever name called primarily for imparting education, training and coaching and towards building up multi-ferrous streams.
- To set up Schools, Colleges and Institutions for fulfilling the objectives of imparting education and have the same registered in accordance with application Statutes, Rule and Regulations.
- To apply for and obtain affiliation, recognition, support with Universities, Institutions recognized by the Statutory Authorities or otherwise within the country or abroad for establishing and persecuting educational and vocational courses of any nature and discipline and obtain necessary permissions, approvals and recognitions.
- To build necessary infrastructure and research for development, creation and implementation of courses, design, facility planning, project conceptualizing and all other required modalities and functions.
- To apply for and obtain schemes and projects and to implement them fully and effectually.
- To impart through duly qualified Faculties all required trainings, coaching, hold proper examinations and give certificates, diplomas, degrees, prizes, awards, stipends, rewards, and other assistance, in accordance with law.
- To open set-up, run and maintain Institutions, Libraries, Reading Rooms, and other training centers or institutes, introduce and publish books, periodicals, newspapers, journals.
- To make all necessary and required Project Plans and to implement the same.
- To receive, accept donations, sponsorship, grants, financial assistance for the purpose of development and promotion of the objects and/or for imparting education.
- To acquire, purchase, receive moveable and immovable assets, funds, property and to apply the same for setting up, establishing, running, maintaining Centers, Institutions, Colleges or otherwise towards fulfillment of the objects herein before provided.
- To Sponsor and/ or to subscribe to funds of self-same similar activities.
- To assist and support all activities by whosoever carried on in conformity with the objects herein specified and as are conducive for advancement of any object or objects as above.
- To carry on any other activity and/ or activities by whatever name called which may seem capable of being conveniently carried on in connection with the above objects, or calculated directly or indirectly relating to education or otherwise.
- To generally do all such other acts and things as may be deemed fit to be convenient and necessary for the purpose of carrying out the object set forth hereinabove.